viernes, 10 de julio de 2020

Career Related Website

Hello everyone!

My favorite site related to my career is Windy, it is a site that offers interactive weather forecasting services all over the world. It is a site with very accurate information, easy to use and even more to interpret and with a powerful density of information layers to adapt it to whatever our needs are.
And I love it for that, because besides seeing the weather forecasts, you can get information about the concentration of C02, sea temperatures around the world, amount of rain that will fall and the one that is falling, the amount of clouds, wind speed, among others.

It is a jewel for geography, I use it all the time, because it gives very valuable information, to be able to make studies of forecasts and impacts in the environment, but also it can be used because it is very entertaining, interactive and explanatory.

I recommend using it, is very easy to use, you can download it for iPhone, Android, or it can also be used without any installation, directly from the web. I leave the link so you can navigate and discover everything that happens on earth.

Here's the link!! -->,-67.500,5

2 comentarios:

  1. wow the page is very colorful, I really like how it is made, very interactive

  2. I study architecture and I have also used it, it's really good!
