miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020

What are you really into?

Today I'm going to talk about my quarantine hobbies. On days in quarantine and with a lot of free time indoors, I look for entertaining things to do. My first hobby is that in one hour of the day, it can be in the morning or in the afternoon, I exercise (I have always tried to apply exercise in my life), but now with more time I have been able to do it every day. My second hobby is watching movies, I like very much to do research on actors or directors and then watch a couple of their movies. My third hobby is new, I researched a lot, since the quarantine and world situation had me anxious and stressed, so now before sleeping I do a series of breaths and meditations based on "mantras" which calms me a lot. And my last hobby is new too, I read, but this last weeks I have been interested in reading about different philosophers, I love to learn about how their thoughts, reflections, and visions about the world.
And those are my hobbies and I think the last hobby is the one that has obsessed me the most these last weeks.

See you in the next blog!!

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